
Legacy web displays of public data provided by government, commercial, academic, and citizen data providers

Air Quality

Displays of criteria pollutants from stations and mobile platforms deployed by the Utah Division of Air Quality and University of Utah


Mobile Environmental Observing Platform


University of Utah Meteorological Network (UUNET) - Stations owned and operated by our group

Great Salt Lake Research

Meteorology Tripods & Evaporation Monitoring

Alaska Fire and Fuels (AKFF)

Supporting fire operations in Alaska

Great Lakes Fire and Fuel (GLFF)

Supporting fire operations in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota

HRRR ZARR Data Archive

Scripted access to HRRR Products via fast-reading ZARR formats. AWS hosted S3 Bucket.

Webcam Viewer

Webcams deployed around Northern Utah

Ceilometer Network

Ceilometers deployed around the Salt Lake Valley for aerosol and boundary layer measurements

TSLC Radar Imagery

Radial velocity and reflectivity in plan-view and time-height profiles from TSLC radar


University of Utah 2D Variational Analyses of Surface Weather

2024 Ozone Campaign

Ozone, NOx, and Turbulence Measurements in parallel to 2024 USOS Campaign


Resilience of Electrical Grid

Monsoon Research

Flash Floods in Southern Utah


Synoptic PBC (Public Benefit Corporation), a spinoff from MesoWest, provides enhanced access to environmental data worldwide

Mountain Meteorology Lab (MTMET)

Research facility located at the eastern edge of the University of Utah campus, near the urban-wildland interface of Red Butte Canyon. Air quality and meteorology sensors are deployed, tested, maintained and evaluated here for research and education purposes. The site has partnerships with the Utah Division of Air Quality and the Salt Lake County Watershed to co-locate operational monitoring systems.

Red Butte Canyon

A permit-protected Research Natural Area (RNA) managed by the USDA Forest Service, Red Butte Canyon is a wildland laboratory for climate, meteorology, hydrology and biology research and education.

  • Red Butte Canyon - Research Activities
  • Students Engaging in Field Studies

    Students enrolled in Environmental Instrumentation visiting Campbell Scientific in Logan UT. 2024.

    Our Goals

    • Undertake basic and applied research related to mountain meteorology
    • Improve access, availability, and visualization of environmental information
    • Contrbute to the protection of life and property from weather and other hazardous events
    • Enhance the understanding of meteorological conditions affecting air quality and public health
    • Support student development and education and outreach of benefit to Utah and the nation