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Research Projects

  • TDWR Vertical Wind Profiles
    • Aaron McCutchan M.S. 2023. Current Employer: ...
    • 2023. M.S. Thesis
    • McCutchan, A., J. Horel, S. Hoch, 2024: Terminal doppler weather radar retrievals in complex terrain during a summer high ozone period. Submitted J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol. JTECH
  • Flash Flooding in Southwestern Utah
    • James Powell M.S. 2023. Current Employer: Radiometrics Corporation
    • 2023. M.S. Thesis
    • Horel, J. and J. Powell, 2024: Analysis and prediction of summer rainfall over southwestern Utah. Submitted to Wea. Forecasting. WAF
  • Air Quality
    • Mendoza, D., A. Gonzalez, A. Jacques, C. Johnson, J. Horel, 2024: Electric Buses as an Air Pollution and Meteorological Observation Network. Submitted to Science of the Total Environment. SSRN
  • High Resolution Rapid Refresh
    • Gowan, T. A., J. Horel, A. Jacques, A, Kovac, 2022: Using cloud computing to analyze model output archived in ZARR format. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 34, 449–462. JTECH